Onam Recipies-7
Kootu Curry
1.Kadala-1/2 cup
Raw banana-1(Ethakka)
Elephant Yam(chena)-3/4 cup
Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp
Chilli powder-1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Cook the overnight soaked Kadala without adding salt for a whistle.
Meanwhile chop the Kaya & chena into small pieces. Add the turmeric,Chilli and salt powder and water to this in a pan .Cover and cook on medium heat ,often checking for water and cook until it's done .
2.grated coconut-half a coconut
Green chillies-3
Jeera-1/2 tsp
Pepper corns-5-6
Curry leaves-5
Pulse the above ingredients (not grind) together and add to the cooked Kaya & chena. Add the cooked Kadala to this with some water and cover and cook until the raw smell of coconut vanishes.remove the lid.if there is some water left,cook till all water dries up.
3.mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Whole red Chilli-2
Curry leaves-5
Coconut oil-2 tsp
Heat oil & splutter the mustard then the red Chillies halved &the curry leaves. Pour this over the kootu curry.
4.coconut grated-1/4 cup
Add the grated coconut to the pan and roast this till brown. Add to the kootu curry and mix well. The Onasadhya kootu curry is ready.