Apple Roses-should need a generous dusting of icing sugar....
Apple Roses
1/Defrosted Puff /Paratha Pastry -4
Cut 1 1/2” wide strips of the puff pastry
2.Apples-2 thinly sliced
Lime juice-1 tbsp
Microwave the apple slices by adding the lime juice for 2 minutes or until the slices are softened.Drain .
Apply jam to the puff pastry and arrange the apple slices overlapping each slice over the jam in the middle as shown in picture and Cover halfway with the remaining half.Now roll the pastry from one end to form a Rose🌹 .Place this in cupcake/ muffin tray and bake in a preheated oven at 200 C till edges are lightly browned.Dust with icing sugar and serve.