Sooji Gothambu(Broken Samba Wheat )Palappams
1.Broken Samba Wheat -1 1/2 cup
Coconut (scraped)-3/4 cup
Sugar-2-3 tbsps
Salt to taste
Soak the broken wheat for 2-3 hrs.Grind the above ingredients together with enough water.
2.Cooked rice-1/2 cup
Yeast-1/2 tsp
And grind again with enough water so that the batter is of pouring consistency.Set aside in a vessel to rise.After 4-6 hrs the batter will rise. This won’t rise as much as the batter with the rice Palappams .
Note:If you are not making the palappams Immediately you can keep the batter in the refrigerator so that it doesn’t taste too sour.. and when required make the Appams
For making Palappams
Heat an appachatty & pour 1 1/2 ladle of batter to it & make a circular motion with the pan.Cover & cook on medium flame till Palappam is lightly browned/crispy at the sides.
Serve with Vegetable or non veg stew or Piralan of your choice.
#palappams #palappambeefpiralan #appambeefcombination #appambeefcurry #appamlovers #laceappam #soojigothambuappam @ Dubai, United Arab Emirates