Kappa Gothambu Puttu (Tapioca Wheat Flour Puttu)
(Yields-3 Charatta puttu)
1.Wheat Flour-1/2 cup
Dry Roast the wheat flour/Atta for a few minutes on low heat without browning it.
2.Tapioca Flour-3/4 cup
Rice flour-2 tbsps (optional)
Salt to taste
Water as required
In a bowl mix all the above ingredients and the roasted wheat flour.Add enough water and rub in to make a bread crumbs like mixture.Set this aside for 15 minutes.Pulse this in the mixie.
3.Coconut grated-1/2 cup
Put a tbsp of grated coconut on the puttu maker and fill in the above mixture and top with coconut grated.Steam this till nice aroma of cooked puttu comes. I used my Charatta puttu maker today to make this puttu.U can serve this with some Kadala /Egg Curry or mix with mashed bananas -as I did -and eat.