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Grape Wine

Wines🍷 from fresh grapes 🍇

1.Black/White Grapes-3/4 kg

Wash & clean the grapes and smash it & put in the jar.Add the following ingredients

2.Sugar-1 kg

Yeast-1 tsp

Lukewarm water-2 1/4 litres

3.whole wheat-100 gm

Wash & clean & add to the above

4.Egg white-1/2

Add to the above. Cover & keep in a dark place or cover with a black garbage bags.Every morning stir this for 5 minutes for the next 21 days.

On the 22 nd day filter & pour back into the jar and cover & keep in a dark place without disturbing for another 21 days.

On the 22 nd day pour into bottles. Note: Today I used an inch cinnamon instead of egg white.

After one day


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