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Biscuit and Kit Kat Pudding

Biscuit and KitKat Pudding

This recipe was from my mom's recipe collection. I don't know from where she got it but is a no fail one.

My mom used to make this when there was some guests or when she had the milk and eggs in surplus. The surplus of milk and eggs occurs when the kids summer or winter vacation starts and mom's milk supply houses says they are going for vacation and they won't require them for a month or so. Those were feast days for us,as mother had lots of home fed chicken in her house which gave enough eggs and a cowshed with 6-7 cows and calf and she used to sell the milk and eggs for her pocket money.When vacation comes we are in for a treat with homemade Icecreams, cakes,Rose milk,Puddings,Milk Pedas(Paalumittai as we call it),Paal Payasam..... goes the list.And as kids we were eagerly waiting for her treats.She used to make these and send them to our fathers house in Muncompu as we too might have gone to spend our summer vacations with paternal grandmother and cousins.

The original recipe used only biscuits,you can change a little bit here and there to make it different each time as I have done by adding some KitKat broken or adding the Swiss rolls instead of biscuits in the middle layer.

I have reduced the amount of eggs and condensed milk used too.Hope you guys enjoy this recipe and make it this Christmas.

Biscuit and KitKat Pudding

1.Arrowroot Biscuits-40(as required)

KitKat-10-12(2 finger bars)

Swiss rolls-1-2 packs (I used Americana Swiss rolls.U can use jam Rolls instead)

Coffee powder-4 tsps

Boiling water-1 1/2 cups

Add the coffee powder to the boiling water and stir in.Set this aside to cool.

Unwrap the KitKat and put it in a ziplock .Use a rolling pin to crush the KitKats.

Use a knife to cut the Swiss rolls into 1 cm thick round slices.

Butter a Pyrex dish and place the biscuits dipped in coffee mixture as the first layer. I made two layers of biscuits as the base.(Just dip a biscuit in coffee and immediately remove and place it into the buttered dish .do not allow it to soak in the coffee .) Sprinkle some crushed KitKat.Refrigerate.(This is important otherwise when you pour the custard over the biscuits,it will float).

2.For the custard

Milk-1 litre

Condensed milk-1/2 tin

Sugar-2 cups

Eggs-5 (Separate the whites of two eggs into a bowl)

Gelatin-3 tsp

Custard Powder-2 tsp

Vanilla essence-2 tsp

In a small bowl bloom the gelatin by adding 1/4 cup normal water.Let this sit for 5-10 minutes.Add 1/4 cup boiling water to this and dissolve the gelatin by stirring with a spoon.

Meanwhile heat water (take only 2cups of water otherwise the vessel will overflow when you insert the vessel with custard into this.)in a large vessel to make the custard in the double broiler method .

Take another vessel/steel bowl (which you can keep in the large vessel of water ) and add the sugar, and eggs except the whites of 2 eggs and beat with a fork.Add the condensed milk, and milk .Stir well.Now place this bowl inside the vessel with water which has started to boil .(Make sure the water doesn't over flow when you keep the custard vessel in it).Stir continuously till the custard starts heating .Add the custard powder dissolved in 2-3 tbsps water and the dissolved gelatin and continue boiling till the custard thickens a little bit.Off the stove and remove the custard from the boiling water.Discard the water from the big vessel and add in normal water and place the custard in it to cool it.Add 2 tsp vanilla essence and stir in.

Once cooled pour half of the custard over the biscuit base.Refrigerate for half an hour.

Place the Swiss rolls/Jam rolls sliced over this and slowly pour in the remaining custard.Refrigerate for half an hour.Place another layer of biscuits dipped in coffee over this.

3.Sugar powder-1/2 cup

Lemon juice-1/2 lemon

Gelatin-2 tsp (bloom the gelatin by Adding 1 tbsp water and then add 1 tbsp boiling water and stir till dissolved)

Meanwhile beat the 2egg whites set aside earlier with a beater.Add the sugar powder and lemon juice.Beat till stiff and fluffy.Add in the gelatin dissolved and beat in.Pour this over the biscuit base and spread evenly with the back of a spoon .Sprinkle another layer of crushed KitKat over this.Refrigerate overnight.

Note-U can use chopped cherries instead of KitKat to have a festive look if you like cherries.

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