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Mango Cheese Cake

Mango Cheese Cake

For the base

1.Digestive Biscuit -200 gm

Butter-100 gm(melted almost )

I kept in the microwave for 50 seconds.

Crumb the biscuits & combine with the butter.Press this firmly to the bottom of a greased springfoam pan.

Keep this in fridge for 1/2 an hr so that the biscuit base becomes firm.

For the cheese cake

2.Gelatine-2 tbsp

Water-1/4 cup

Boiling water-1/4 cup

Soak the gelatine in normal water for 15 minutes.Add boiling water to this & mix till dissolved.

3.paneer-150 gm

Condensed milk-1tin(397gm)

Mangoes-3(400 gm)

Mango/vanilla essence-1 tsp

In a mixie blend the above ingredients along with the dissolved gelatine.

(Sugar-1/2cup-check for sweetness after u blend the above.)Pour this to a dish.

4.Whipping cream-1 sachet

Whip the cream according to instructions given on the packet.Fold in gently with the mango mixture.Pour this over the biscuit base.refrigerate this for 2 hrs.Once set,decorate with mango slices & Oreo biscuits.

Today I just made circles with Hershey’s chocolate syrup over the cheesecake and used a tooth pick/skewer and drew lines from the center to the edges to get the spiderwebs/marble design on it.

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