Homemade Toum(Lebanese Garlic Sauce)
1.Garlic(Chinese)-3 pods (1 cup)
Salt-3/4-1 tsp
In a food processor/mixie add the garlic and salt and purée until smooth.Scrape down the sides 2-3 times to ensure all the garlic is finely processed.
2.Lemon-1 big(1/4 cup juice)
Canola oil-2 1/2 cup
While the machine is on slowly drizzle in the first 1/2 cup of oil through the lid .After the first 1/2 cup has been added,pour in a tsp of Lemon juice.
Note:Make sure u are using lemon and not Indian lime . In case Lemon is not available use only a tsp of lime juice instead as lime juice are three times stronger than lemon juice.
Continue alternating between 1/2 cup oil and a tsp of lemon juice slowly until you have added all of the oil and lemon juice.
Alternating between the two is the key to proper emulsification which results in a light and fluffy garlic sauce.
You know that the garlic sauce is done when it’s white and thick with a similar consistency of mayonnaise.Homemade Toum is ready and you can refrigerate this for 2 -3 weeks in an airtight container.